MMFA Product Categories
MMFA Product Categories – Updated version, effective 20/11/2018
Product categories of multilayer modular floorings for floating installation to be covered by the MMFA, as defined during the joint MMFA Market Development & Technical Committees’ session in Cologne, November 20, 2018:
MMF Constructions grouped in Categories:
Wood core with polymer or cork surface.
All products with wood-based substrates (≥ 65 % content of wood particles/fibres in the core) with polymer or cork surface layer (cork thickness < 2.5 mm).
Polymer core with polymer surface.
Polymer or polymer-composite substrate with polymer surface layer and/or lacquer.
with two sub-categories:
LVT – LVT click products.
Rigid Products: EPC – SPC.
All other polymer substrates based on EPC or SPC.
(EPC: expanded polymer core, SPC: solid polymer core).
All other constructions.
Note: The category “Mixed”, for example, covers MMF modules using a click system and textile surface or those on a mineral core.
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Exemplary product structures
MMFA Category – WOOD
Wood core with polymer or cork surface.
All products with wood-based substrates (≥ 65 % content of wood particles/fibres in the core) with polymer or cork surface layer (cork thickness < 2.5 mm).
Exemplary product structures
MMFA Category – POLYMER –
Polymer core with polymer surface.
Polymer or polymer-composite substrate with polymer surface layer and/or lacquer.
LVT : LVT click products.
Exemplary product structures
Polymer core with polymer surface.
Polymer or polymer-composite substrate with polymer surface layer and/or lacquer.
Rigid products: all other polymer substrates – EPC and SPC.
(EPC: expanded polymer core and SPC: solid polymer core)
Exemplary product structures
MMFA Category – MIXED
All other constructions.
Note: Class 3, for example, covers modules using a click system and textile surface or those on a mineral core.