Seven new members welcomed at working session in Munich
The MMFA – Multilayer Modular Flooring Association, which had been founded at the end of October 2012 only, is taking up its operational work full of vim and vigor. As announced earlier in January at the Domotex fair in Hanover, the association organized its first full working session in Munich from 28 February to 1 March. On this occasion seven new members were welcomed to the association. The two working committees “technics“ and “market development“ gathered for their first meeting and defined their topics and the working schedule for the months to come.
The MMFA is getting up to speed quickly: The impressions of the trade fairs at the beginning of the year were still fresh when the members of the new association assembled for a two-day working session in Munich. Representatives of sector companies which had shown interest had been invited to join in as well. They were able to get first-hand information on the goals and the start-up of the work in direct discussion.
Now 15 fellow campaigners
As at Domotex 2013 the MMFA counted eight ordinary members: Akzenta (Kaisersesch/Germany), Hamberger (Stephanskirchen/Germany), Kronoflooring (Lampertswalde/Germany), Li&Co, (Müstair/Switzerland), Meisterwerke (Rüthen/Germany), Parador (Coesfeld/Germany), Skema (Treviso/Italy) and Windmöller Flooring Products (Augustdorf/Germany). Since 1st March the number of fellow campaigners has risen to 15: In Munich Amorim Revestimentos (S. Palo Oleiros/Portugal) joined the MMFA as an ordinary member, and as extraordinary members approved were the companies Homag Holzbearbeitungssysteme (Schopfloch/Germany), Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany) Schattdecor (Thansau/Germany), Selit Dämmtechnik (Erbes-Büdesheim/Germany), Sekisui Alveo (Luzern/ Switzerland) and Surteco (Buttenwiesen-Pfaffenhofen/Germany). Extraordinary members represent the supply chain of multilayer, modular floorings or can be stakeholders of the sector in general.
Matthias Windmöller, MMFA Chairman of the Board states: “The gratifyingly high number of new members achieved in such a short period confirms the demand within the sector for a diversified representation of interests. In the light of the progress in product development and the signs of a positive trend of the market for multilayer modular floorings we will further boost our acquisition. We want to bring all relevant European players on board as soon as possible, and thus establish a strong network within the sector and actively shape the successful development of our products.”
Standardization work for new products
The newly formed working committees „technics“ and „market development“ started their operation in Munich. The „technics“ WC under the joint direction of Edwin Lingg (Li&Co, Müstair/Swizerland) and Volker Kettler (Meisterwerke, Rüthen/Germany) is engaged in standardization work and all issues concerning measuring values, dimensional tolerances, application, laying techniques and in the future also the continuous exchange of opinions and experiences with stakeholders of the sector. Furthermore the prospect is also the promotion of the sustainability principle within the relevant sector.
Volker Kettler summarized the opinion of the attendees, that there should be made an application at the upcoming meeting of the official standardization committee, in order to change the drafted term “MSF” into “MMF” in the title of the DIN EN 16511 standard (German version: prEN 16511). Currently the term used is „Loose-laid panels – Multi-layer semi-rigid floor covering (MSF) panels with wear resistant top layer.” In the future it could be: “Loose laid panels – semi-rigid multilayer modular floor covering (MMF)“.
Furthermore a clear differentiation shall be made regarding specific tests and requirements depending on the product build-up. Also the integration of various quality levels for underlay materials in floating systems shall be considered. Convenor Volker Kettler will submit the results of the discussion panels to the mirror committee for discussion at the end of March in Berlin.
Sales statistics
The second working committee “market development“ deals with the communication of MMFA‘s activities. Furthermore, the public shall get information on the products of the young sector quickly. Comprehensive information and advice are regarded as necessary in order to establish these innovative flooring products successfully on the market as an independent “type” in addition to cork floors, laminate, parquet or fully elastic floor coverings.
A further sphere of action will be the implementation of regular sales statistics in several categories. In Munich the members agreed upon a collection in this regard. The convenor for the MG „market development“ will be appointed at the follow-up meeting, where the members will also define the modalities of communicating the statistics within and outside the association.
The next major MMFA event shall be the first ordinary members’ meeting in summer or fall 2013. The exact date will be announced in due time. Interested enterprises of the sector are of course welcome to attend this meeting.
Companies which are entered in the commercial register of their particular country and which manufacture and sell the multilayer modular floor coverings with decorative surfaces on their own responsibility, may become ordinary members. The company domicile/headquarters and production facilities must be located in Europe. However, also material producers, suppliers, system partners or testing and research institutes for the equipment operating for the sector are granted access. They may apply for an extraordinary membership with an advisory vote but without a voting right at the assemblies. For them, the full participation possibility applies in all working bodies and project groups and a right to talk in members’ meetings.
Figures – Captions
mfne1302_b1: MMFA logo – Graphics: MMFA mfne1302_b2: Matthias Windmöller, MMFA Chairman of the Board: “The gratifyingly high number of new members within such a short period confirms the demand within the sector for a diversified representation of interests.” – Photo: Windmöller mfne1302_b3: Forms of construction of multilayer modular floorings. – Graphics: MMFA (see Download pdf)
mfnd1302_b2: Matthias Windmöller, MMFA Chairman of the Board: “The gratifyingly high number of new members within such a short period confirms the demand within the sector for a diversified representation of interests.” - Photo: Windmöller